Friday, 30 September 2016

Calm in thoughts

There are people in life that shall rock your mood.
Make some noise can be detrimental and does not soothe.

The reason for calm is to find a balanced place
Hence my strength and attainment 
Has the components which shall find a place out of the maze.

The noise can be good when people rejoice
Yet for my need to hold balance and kind
Is to used my silence as strength,
That's where I capture the key I need to find.

These tests are never easy to overcome
On occasion the balance of strength, silence and strong emotion, we can find the path we deserve
As that balanced walk shall unlock that road at that time.
The strength my friends reveals that beautiful piece of thyme..

Thursday, 29 September 2016

I am having a hypo

Here I am, having a moment to share
Sugars have dropped 
And others just stare.

People with the condition 
Do not have a clue
Unless they care for someone 
Just like me, and you.

People may regard
Or provide you with a sweet sapping drink
The moment is scary
You just want to sink.

We look drunk and appear arose 
As the sugars dropping from our system 
Can lead to our eyes closed.

This is a message for those who do not know,
As we look towards to finding anything bitter sweet
As the problem with a hypo, is that you constantly eat. 


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Next Stage

Paths evolve and new opportunities arise
The start of a new beginning shall lead to many of a surprise.

The job will open a door
And the path will balance the light,
These new beginnings shall endeavour a delightful sight.

Regulate with array of words and consumption of free flowing brace.
Humble beginnings of a role shall have its place.

A new stage 
A new touch of sight towards health
Learning new skills to pertain 
As well as flowing 
And gracefully maintain. 

Who I am

Spent my life justifying who I am
Now I am ready to stand strong towards controlling insecure souls. 
For which I can now turn away 
Thereby, refrain to chose.

Words will be said 
And a fight needs to be prepared 
Love, only love is the movement which needs to be stared.

I suppose we need a variety to experience,
Despite at the time, the people we struggle to capture a balance to attain, 
Possessing a journey which needs to be contained. 

So smile or cry 
As balance is the pivotal key
The purpose of love (not control)
Is to become free. 

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


People will judge
That's the words I say 
People will care 
That's the area I want to convey.

We have all made errors
And those who do not forgive,
They have a quest to move away from hell
As their test is to learn to find and, to live.

Be calm with your wants
And be calm with your needs 
Maybe we can flee from the chaos 
For that only bleeds

I crave calm people 
But those who want to shake and shout
The balance of strength 
Is to attain and, simply go about.


Some people care
Some people stare
Some people do not know what to do
Some people haven't got a clue.

Some people listen
Some people talk
Some people moan
Some people walk.

The important thing is that these attributes surround 
And sometimes they are found 
May the balance suffice 
As the world we delve in has no price.

Love only love works the magic for all to see
As working out these journeys can only be.
We can't enforce just try out best
Learn to embrace change, maybe that's the test..

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

A day to saviour

A day moves to a magical number 
A day we shan't forget.
Half a century? 50? Call the stage at your will, all I know this time may become surreal.

A time your reflect
A time to surge towards a humble path.
You my friend, who has faced many a challenge time
Shall move forward with family and friend support, these attributes you exude, as well have been taught.

The day shall be humble
The day will be politically sweet.
You my friend shall endeavour to contour the passion from the joys you are about to meet.

Stand strong
And stand towards a day which meets a milestone to embrace,
You my friend shall enter towards an enchanting place.

Happy birthday DTR


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, 19 September 2016

Strength in Community

Please remain strong and look into the light
This delivers openness and time
Holding people together needs to contain a strength
The essence to be there has the time, patience and the sense.

I will never leave you
People with big hearts will remain true
Times will challenge
Yet when a community pulls together
this captures the beauty of emotional touch
Therefore, friends and family means so much.

These words are to flourish 
And arrive from the head as well as the heart
Please remain strong 
I promise you, no one shall ever part.

Positively from love is to conquer all
The art when faced with a difficult time 
Is to gaze at your children
from the healing which comes with humble signs.


Saturday, 17 September 2016

A Choice

For better or for worse I walk the path I choose to take.
Yes I am a little low, yet this path I shall learn from, therefore shall wake.

No flame without fire
Learning from this situation shall lead to a decision, despite the mire.

Love will conquer 
So will passion and grace,
Ain't we all looking towards a beautiful place.

The balance is insecure, but that's only for now.
Despite the tears welling my passage will soon scowl. 


God gave me you

We love, we cry, we lavish and we sigh
No regrets to say those 3 special words
My heart yelps to hold you again.
Respect all has changed and that we remain soulful once again.

I adore, I want more,
Nothing more to crave, just a wanting as I wish to be brave.

I'll never stop loving you
That's a matter of fact
I suppose the love will continue to remain... Never a regret
Just a want all over again.

Love is power
And love is real...
The deepest want, is that we remain surreal.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Working through

Working our way through this life we live
Caring, disliking, breaking and loving
The essence to move through the path faced
Like a mixed Greek meze meal,
Parts you would like and others are an empty taste.

We try as hard as we can, to do what is right
Some errors will arrive but that's part of growing.
Elements of our journey is great
Yet there are obstacles we need to avoid
Use your armour, which is deployed.

Break the stone of the righteous light
Communication is craved, yet battles ride the storm.
Balanced humility is key... Try to remain calm and mildly warm.

Goodbye my brother and sisters
We shall off course meet again.
The art of humanity is to do right for your fellow ray of light.
Balanced brace shall enter the fore
I love you guys forever more...

Friday, 9 September 2016

Love... More ways than one

Muscles tight
No need to fight
I just want humbleness 
With that, comes sight.

No more hurt 
And no more pain,
I am here with you,
Avoid going insane.

My desire is to live
Strife and relish an openness of joy
Love is beauty
Never treat as a toy.

The glory of touch
Shall mean so much
We meet for a reason 
No alcohol, nor treason.

A power of the vibe
Shall always stay alive.
Love in one way or next
Makes everything perfect, no need to vex x

Your time

No where to turn or nowhere to hide,
Wish you happiness
This is now your test.

Your spirit warm
And humour elated
Your path in life shall always be fated.

We care, we dream nothing does not always appear as it seems.

Be true and be humble with a touching brace, look into the mirror, and shine from that beautiful face. 

Hold you my sister
I truly have your back, the journey you are about to face is deep and meaningful, an essence you DO NOT lack...

No more poems (today) xx


My heart looms with love 
And the devil fights the soul
He would get at you through loves for who you care. 
The serpent attacks, for that they shall dare.

Hurt with bitterness
And try to make you weak
Gods children's rejoice 
All the goodness that you seek.

I can't face that person 
And not I'll ever fray
My heart with Jesus Christ
Shall protect us forever and a day.

The beauty a spirit holds
Endeavours the goodness of light.
Love you Christ almighty 
You hold the key to all our sight. 


Saturday, 3 September 2016

Forgiveness and see light

Yes I have lied
Yet I am short from the grCe of God
Not acceptable, I know as others shall attempt
To stem my flow.

I am strong in body, heart and mind.
I am human with good qualities and bad
I rather shine around radiators 
Rather than a stain around.

Love me for me
And let the past be the past
Yet you always see me as a liar,
The one who leave their memories to continue to last.

I am hurting inside
But that's for me to hold true.
I need to avoid woeful foes
Who do not walk the same path,
And attribute your pitiful wrath.

The Truth

Yes I have lied
Yes I have delivered deceit
Yet can we move on?
For some it's a difficult feat.

Why do we lie?
Why do we exaggerate the truth
People can't move on
So in my world,
They can enter into a telephone booth.

My eyes are teary
As someone cannot accept the mistakes I made in the past
Yet with Christ on my side
I am positive the anger is not to last.

A lie is red or black
And sometimes people despise the deceit received
Can you blame them?
Yes or no.
Yet we have hurt in a way
Where others cannot forgive
Yet killing has not occurred 
As pain has burnt a trust to distain 
As a page has closed from a loved one who has shut the door.
Now question this?
Do I need that person more.

The devil attacks

The devil attacks 
I will wer my armour from God.
This isn't a superman film
Where I am not facing Zod.

My arms are strong
And my thoughts trained,
If you do not forgive
That's your life
I shan't entertain your strife.

I love who I love
And that person I love the most should be me.
If I am not strong for I,
The.n my energies won't be there
Which endeavours a sign.

This is a challenge
But challenges shall surround us all.
Be prepared to face your nemesis
And that the end result
Shall make you feel tall.

My Yiayia

My Yiayia
My Yiayia 
In my parents mother longer
Is translated as "Nan"
She was my world
And I was her greatest fan.

She was my calm
And my unconditional friend
A delight to be around
A beauty I can wholeheartedly depend.

She called me 'Angel' and that filled me with delight
She was my sanctum, my world as well as my glorious light.

Most importantly she was my peace
She represented my inner being, 
Abundance of humility, the very least....

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...