Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Art of Moving On

When people cannot forgive and remind you the fact. Depends on the situation, yet the love has died and there's no more tact.

 So we have made mistakes, even exaggerated the truth, yet that person does not forgive or moves forward, like a decaying tooth.

The heart is big and humans shall always make a number of mistakes, holding resentment is a waste of energy and a bitter pill to take, yet this journey should be exciting and cumbersome, yet these negative attributes from some aim to break.

Love only love holds us together within, yet some people hold the  immortal sin.

 Hurt me with words and hold a sword to my throat. I'll will attempt to simply love you, no need to gloat.

 My heart is big, and yes, I have fallen short from immortal sin. All I can try to do is love you, isn't that a better way to win?

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Beautiful People and beautiful life...

To start the world is a challenge we all face.
Finding that beautiful soul who entwine in mysrlf as one, starts a fresh beginning like the brightness towards the morning sun.

A glare, a touch and secure bond.
A time when consummation enters the fore
The glory of two special people arriving together means so much more.

May your lifes delve onto a path so beautiful and serene
And the essence of humble grace
Go forth onto a glorious place.

Love shall always win
Especially with the journey you are ready to delve
Thd two of you holds the key to make this a beautiful start for all to embrace.
Encouragement, meaningful words to support
A glorious journey with eyes wide open, which cannot be taught.

J x

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The person that I am

I am me and you are you
Do I need me or otherwise I need you?
Like me or loathe me
I can only modify what I Nedd to change.
Or consequently workout
The mind I have drained.

Andry, hurt what have I done!
I am ready for a fight
But when I do, what have I won?

Sleepy eyes
And wholesome trace
We need this world to be in a better place.
How is this done?
Through hard slog and guile
My energies, regardless will last for quite a while.

What do I need?
A bit of understanding and tact.
Leave me alone as I need me for me.
Sometimes family is not enough to, for a time to be... x

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Health Cycle

How do I want to be treated when feeling low or sad?
Injury, mental health or medically scold.
Health care always need to fight its tiredness and attempt to remain bold.

A strain from circumstances
Our NHS is the best
Time after time staff and patients are put through a fulore tests.

Health can strain the fittest of souls
Souls who fight with sheer strength and tiresome will.
The NHS fight surges with pride
A tireless journey looking to subside.

We look to the future 
And we look to what is right.
The services in health need money to tighten this frontline resource.
Cementing a foundation as the NHS continues to remain a force...

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Eyes wide shut x

Open your eyes
Is it bright
Moods to awaken the soul
The time is set
It's now time for you to go...

Go with guile
Go with pace
This world can sometimes be difficult
But there is always a time and place. 

If the world poses challenges
Then face them with passion and want
The essence of life is to pick the fights you can win... otherwise no point, that is where defeat comes in.

A smile, a hug
That simplification to say you'll be there.
The purpose of holding true means this prevalent thought... you are their x x

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...