Tuesday, 29 September 2015

A morning greeting

Good morning my dear, I hope you are well. Another day and another dollar as well the stories to tell....

A great day shall dawn and, a great day shall enlight 
The beauty of this day is that we can still be humble with clear sight.

Answers to questions is the  meaning to everyone's life. 
One thing for certain
It was lovely speaking to you the other day, and the chats shall continue to arrive our way.

*a friend for life at least x

Monday, 28 September 2015

Spirit of hope

Monday... Sometimes difficult to be positive, 
Yet amidst the time of day you look to the sky's.
Will it be alright or shall we begin to cry.

The sky is blue and my God looks at me to say "it's going to be fine"
Divine intervention can be so sublime.

To love, to learn to aspire and to enrich, yet the process of the flesh shall always put us through a test. 

I shall hold your hand my brother and sister as our God shall make it great, and with time ticking by.... You know what? It shall be all fine.

Brotherhood, sister ship shall breathe the fumes of love from our King. With the delights received from the high and mighty, we shall capture the touch of the holy light.. fight off the devil with the goodness we hold inside...

Monday, 21 September 2015

Back in the game

May the light be bright
Even when the sky's are bleak,
We aim to capture and regain our focus..
As we can't be doing this hocas pocas.

When down during the time we are out of the game, which can lead us going insane.
With strong brother-ship and guile, we shall always beat the devil.., and that doesn't take a long while...

Once we wear that armour of God
We are protected by the one and only 
And the path to Christ is glory as well as holy...

Please arrive back into the game, because that's where our aims surges towards. Love comes with repentance and worship, which also leads. Ourselves  as brothers and sisters shall follow the gospel of Jesus Christ, which guides us as disciples to enter onto a path which is serene. 

Praise the Lord..,

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Heart opens a wound

called and cried
I can't say sorry enough
Yet I do the wrong things.. As I look to turn wrong into right... My tears are holding back a fight.

You yelped and expressed truth yet I want to arrive back to your life. Your voice gets louder and louder with the points proved you want to say..
I am hurting now.., pain, please go away.

I have never been perfect and despite the vices I hold
I cry in genuine truth
Like pulling out an aching tooth.

I won't ever stop loving you as the wound opens and enters deep.
I need to remain true and try to rise as the skill is to avoid a demise.

I love you
And respect where you come from. 
If peace is what is desired, then respect is what you ultimately deserve.,
I am not right for you, as hold back to serve . 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Words from heaven

God runs deep
And god runs true
Are we as humans.. Suppose to have a clue?

With gods faith and with gods love
We shall enter into a journey into peace 
As the devil shall eventually cease.

When the day arrives
The we as brothers and sisters shall reign with gods grace
Accepting the gates of heaven is encountered as a wonderful place.

We hold strong 
As disciples of our Lord
And the power of these words arrives from the holy ones sword...

Praise the Lord... Amen 


Friday, 11 September 2015

People worse off... Are they?

Clinical Depression  runs deep. Imagine this....falling in a hole and you can't find the edges to climb out to safety? People worse off!?
You still have the demons to deal with and, you need to find the clues,
yet the world expects you to pick yourself up and get on with it. Yeah! Of course it's like popping a zit!!! Easy to do when the root has arrived to the surface..

The hole is scary. Like I said before you cannot find a way to feign the decaying woe...
So how will it be? As this decaying thought of the mind just won't go...!!

Of course you need to get better, and sometimes perspective is the key. Yet the clinical struggles run through, so how can you start finding you??

Relapse begins 
And relapse tests, this is more than perspectives calling. Don't you think I want to stop falling!

I don't get a buzz from this?
I am suppressed for the reasons I am expressing my woes,
The anxiety starts from my head and falls down to my toes.

May the tears release the pain,
Rather than going insane.. 
I am still working through this mental pain and people say "put things into perspective" yet the demons need to be hit by a venomous cane..

*Moral of the story.. Yes people are worse off but clinical depression isn't Luke chewing gum, that you can eventually remove from your teeth...  

Jason x

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The only way is to the Lord....

May the Lord hold us with all their love,
Guide us with the spirit that's arrives from a dove.

The joy from the wells that fills buckets full of grace.
Tears of happiness 
Which flows from the face.

May the lords prayer touch our humble place.
Loving the Lord contains its spiritual touch.
Loving the Lord shall lead us to beauty, which means ever so  much.

Praise the Lord...

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Poem: Beginning of a New Start

A new start shall awake
Good, I hope, for all that is at stake.

Be kind to your wants and remember a new start is ready to take off and share
Learning the art of HR comes with the truth that we aim to hold, and enlightenly showed.

Recall all that you achieved
and the hard work we look to embrace,
To have you work in your profession can teach us all a lesson.

Now go and get em kid
You have so much to advise
Learn to follow your career
And deliver the elements which is good that we should delve and share..

Here's looking at you kid.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

A wonderful start x

Congratulations my wonderful friends, 
Another addiction soon to arrive,
Time to expand on the family to rejoice, understanding the beauty we are ready to voice. 

A beautiful baby
To cap another new beginning,
It is all good to enchant a beautiful addition to the Ullah legacy reign ... A beautiful baby and, a glorious domain.

Enjoy these times
And embrace these wants. 
There are to  be challenging occasions with an  addition to grow into the kin,
Beautiful moments,
Holding within. 

Nothing is more beautiful than a child to grace this earth,
Once more a celebration that will release a glory of a delightful birth.

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...