Friday, 30 August 2024

If you leave me alone…

If you leave me alone, it means you are leaving me in peace,
Don’t get me wrong? I am grateful for the support 
Yet it’s through God’s eyes is where I am getting taught.

That quietness 
That strong composed face,
“God’s had got you” which I often hear
Leave me in peace… for now… God shall allow you to shed a tear.

Peace is where kindness sits 
God has got this situation that we all face in life,
Humbleness and kindness always overwhelms all forms of strife. 

So the essence of this poem is that there is a guardian angel next to you and every step of the way,
Crying isn’t a bad thing, actually it can be good
Tears from God’s fountain are drops that land where they always should.

30th August 2024

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