Saturday, 31 August 2024

It’s time

It’s time to sleep, rest and restore
The following day you will crave for a tad more.

It’s prayer that we all need, and nothing else
The day we see the father there shall be openness and spiritual wealth.

We will see people that are now not longer around 
Yet it’s through this blessing we can humble and no longer become astound,

Tomorrow will eventually arrive, or perhaps it won’t?
Struggles will part of the cause 
But through seeing the source, you’ll no longer need to pause.

1st September 2024


Why is the world in chaos? It’s because we have allow it to take place
This change of pronouns. where you can’t say this or that,
Am I not entitled to have an opinion from where I am sitting at?

Who could have predicted this? Only the bible of course, 
We are living in times of chaos and gossip, and the silly thing there is TOO much discourse.

Aren’t we suppose to be patient with each other
Or has that feeling been burnt out,
Yes, people need to take account of their issues, that’s what I am talking about?

These words are contriving 
As I too need to work out the next step, 
Focusing and discipline to achieve a goal 
When others complain because they are lazy as the towel is what they want to throw. 

31st August 2024

Friday, 30 August 2024

Tomorrow stays where it is

Please God…where are you now?
I need to know the answers as I rather not throw in the towel…

I know you are there 
I love and pray to you each second and minute of the day,
Your name is beautiful, as I am blessed and often blown away.

You love those who do not believe that you actually exist,
As it hurts knowing you ate  simply great and consequently dismissed.

The time is now… as we all need to believe 
Not for five, ten minutes or a day,
From that moment you pray, stay humble… and never ever stray.

31st August 2024

If you leave me alone…

If you leave me alone, it means you are leaving me in peace,
Don’t get me wrong? I am grateful for the support 
Yet it’s through God’s eyes is where I am getting taught.

That quietness 
That strong composed face,
“God’s had got you” which I often hear
Leave me in peace… for now… God shall allow you to shed a tear.

Peace is where kindness sits 
God has got this situation that we all face in life,
Humbleness and kindness always overwhelms all forms of strife. 

So the essence of this poem is that there is a guardian angel next to you and every step of the way,
Crying isn’t a bad thing, actually it can be good
Tears from God’s fountain are drops that land where they always should.

30th August 2024

No going back

Once you feel the faith of God, there is a reason why you left you old self behind, 
Yes, there will be challenges, but there are better things to look to find.

Yes, the devil shall attack
Yet it’s the Father who we pray too, and ultimately shan’t make you slack.

The past is the past
Yes words cause wounds, and people shall remind you of failings from chances you never grasped
Prayers are powerful words and can never be masked. 

Thank you for your prayers 
The peace we need, keeps us focused on one thing…. The Lord.
Remember, the pen has always been mightier than the sword.

30th August 2024

What that great man did

It was 2009
I wasn’t at all fine,
I tried to take my life before… and later Dad saw my note 
He left a message on my phone at the time I finished the gym 
I wanted to jump off a Clift… and not at a whim!.

My dad said: “I saw your note , come home so we can talk”,
I miss that old sod now, as now I want to continuously walk.

I was in my 30s but recovery needed to take place 
He sat with me when I tried to do a crossword to retrain the mind,
Indeed I was low, and through my abilities I felt blind.

My Father, the man who saved my life back in 2009
He treated me with love, honesty and kindness in what we all need to find

“Love you Dad…”
30th August 2024

A Prayer for everyone

I pray for those who are happy
and that they can see the Father still;
They know in their hearts it’s through the Father where things aren’t overfilled.

I pray for the sad
That the sadness soon removes,
And that humbling hearts enable your spirit to soothe.

I pray for kindness and patience that is always there 
I pray for each of us to receive a lifted spirit, 
through goodness there are blessed gifts within it.

I pray for love 
I pray for kindness within,
I too battle with this at times 
As I thank God for placing me to be around those who are kind.

30th August 2024

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Thanking you

Lord, I thank you 
For the first and last breath of the day,
And that people in front and behind me, shall pray a set of words that are portrayed.

Let’s see the world
We are all facing trying and end times,
People with so many questions and no answers to find.

The world is damaged 
It’s fast, speedy and doesn’t seem to have a chance
Yet through prayers there is a ‘hallelujah’ and a worshiping dance.

Hold onto your brothers and sisters
I say it through these words, 
Prayers come through kindness, love and sight 
A spiritual wonderment, that keeps our eyes fully focus on the light.

29th August 2024

Holding onto prayer

Peace is beautiful
Peace is a way to rest your fight,
Look to the stars, the rain or sun… there is a might.

Peace is humble
Peace brings you joy,
Peace is hoping life continues 
And that joy is not to be insinued.

Peace is light
Peace can be fun,
Peace is uplifting, so don’t be complacent as in the Father you’ll find the one.

Peace is wonderful
Peace is a true, true joy
Peace is the humility and never to be devoid.

28th August 2024

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Flushing Meadows

The heat of the battle
Tennis tantalising intensity and full of drama,
The big guns aiming for the final slam of the year 
All to play for… and nothing to fear.

Carlos, Novak and Sinner in the mix
One thing for certain, the talent out there aim to be the first to win a set when reaching to six.

Names before them and the future players waiting to win their first, second, third or fourth US Open title
The stakes are high, and certain important points won shall be vital.

At the end of the day victory will be undoubtedly won
And the legacy to include in that victory shall exalt as well as be fun.

“US Open title…. Awaiting to crown their champions for 2024”
28th August 2024

Giving and receiving

I only want your prayers..
As I am sure they come from a kind place?
Prayers are protection and give us all a lift 
Where I am not looking for material gifts.

Not bothered about the fancy car
Or a lavish lifestyle, that doesn’t make you brave,
Ultimately I know that makes others the devils slave.

Prayers are my wants 
And if you say them, then many thanks?
I am here for a certain time, but it’s the Father I speak to, as we avoid the trickery and the pranks.

No need for enforcement
I’ll take my time when achieving tasks for God,
And not knowing what’s in front of me proves peace and balance, which blindly prod.

27th August 2024

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Time and a place

Yesterday, sitting in a pub having a drink and chat
I noticed two delightful people where I was located at;
I never get embarrassed as I like meeting people in my daily wake
As the optimist in me doesn’t want to have a break.

We spoke of a drawing I oversaw
I wasn’t trying to intrude, yet the conversation became a little more.

You see, for me it’s about caring
The world that’s so damaged we focus on ‘me, me and me’
And all it takes is to think of someone, so ‘I’ is able to become a friendly ‘we’.

As I wonder and put these words across 
My poetic philosophical brain too has its flaws
But love and care for one another, I think we can all do that little bit more.

26th August 2024

My diabetes story

We all have to endure something 
The body isn’t designed to last forever,
And this condition does get in the way
But you as a user must have your say. 

Mine diabetes is complex
The feet were fine but the eye started to wane,
I needed to accept the internal damage and also acknowledge I am responsible in order to sustain. 

It’s been a long time 
And each day possess their challenges,
I give thanks to God first 
as no regulated insulin has caused thirst. 

As much as I dislike the situation
I try to learn and have a open mind to keep going on,
The balance of sugar levels is always a challenge and don’t beat yourself up, even if they do go wrong?

25th August 2024

Saturday, 24 August 2024

Me ol’ man

One of a kind
No one quite like him at all,
“What’s his name???” springs to mind
He was blind in one eye but was still able to find.

“Jay, Roy me boy” and “Dawny, how are you kid?”
A character who spoke often about Hoxton and Drysdale street,
His personality was endearing, and was loved by those he always meet.

“How are you mucker?”
A character who said it as it is,
He had his erratic ways, and often took the piss๐Ÿคฃ.

He’ll tell you to “eff off” but he had a way of pulling those words off, 
And wasn’t afraid to cry to a heartfelt film
At the moment he detected it was surreal.

24th August 2024


Why did I do it?
Drink to excess!
One followed the next, and it was Friday after all
The paralytic feeling led me to a drunken fall. 

Such a silly thing to do
And then a cigarette fell in the mouth,
I did go to the gym the day later
Yet it all contradicts itself through a self debater. 

Head feels a little light 
The hope to recover couldn’t arrive soon, 
Bless our poor heads as we have all heard this old tune.

I pray to God as I know I am far from perfect,
Yet through a recovery I know I am determined and worth it. 

Sitting here with a coke to soak in the alcohol I didn’t really need,
But then again I didn’t fall over with cuts that lead to ourselves which bleed. 

24th August 2024

Friday, 23 August 2024

Never far away

Hello my friend 
How are you today? 
Struggling to love 
Struggling to have joy
Tell you what? Pray… that’s my girl and my Boy!

“I love”
That’s what Jesus says 
All you need to do is focus as yo u old self shall become a haze.

Stay with me my friend
Stay with the words for which the great news mentions, 
It may be a gift of yours, through a plethora to capture retention. 

Here today 
And not the next, 
That’s why the Father brings us home
Through constant prayer to him, you shall never be alone.

23rd August 2024

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Praying and having a drink…

Here with my book
Or write a poem, or perhaps some words to write, 
Praying to God always first, the final place I see…within in sight. 

So we start the day
Making something happen, or to work,
No more aggression please Lord, we know this earth has already become berserk. 

Pray for those in the world,
Those who are near and far,
They are so special to you…like a shining star.

Hold us all close dear Lord 
You are the one we should thank each day, 
Praying, and staying humble in your presence 
Where the head and heart gently puts you at bay.

22nd August 2024

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Rest gently on heavens door

I pray for you my friend
I pray for you each day, so the light hits your heart and head
The soul of your spirit is the foundation from your unbroken bread.

Speak your truth humbly and through no aggression,
Subtly compose the mind and try not to regress
God is your free spirit, so continuously look to humble within it’s spiritual test.

Lift your soul
The balance comes from a prayer humbly within,
hold my hand my dear friend
It’s through the Father where all things are possible and able to defend.

Life is humble 
Life sometimes needs a few words when peace needs to be found, 
As the essence of hope is to keep your feet on the ground.

21st August 2024

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

I pray for…

I pray for thanks to God when I start the day
I pray for my potential foes who may try get in the way.

I pray for smiles
I pray for laughter to lift,
I pray for the past to stay in that place
And that negativity doesn’t show its ugly face.

I pray for everyone to move forward 
And leave the sadness behind
And if you want that conversation? then sorry, kiss my hideous behind. 

I pray for balance 
And I pray for peace,
I pray for us to stop borrowing money off each other, and that’s in the very least.

20th August 2024

Monday, 19 August 2024

Release through a prayer

Hello, how are you today?
I don’t know you, but I am praying for you my dear friend,
The Father whose son who has already made amends.

How are you?
Sorry if you are not great, I am praying in your corner,
If you want a hug, then I am here… you shall be held to feel comforted and welcomed and that little bit warmer. 

Here I am, not me! I am simply a vessel to perform God’s work;
I am trying to start strong for you, and feel less than berserk.

Hello and goodbye
The road does come to humble end, 
Thank you for your prayers and your kindness, that is what any of us need to delve into…. And transcend.

19th August 2024

Simple act of kindness

Some people just look 
Some people hold back
The act of kindness is where we should look to act. 

Pray for those who don’t get you, 
Pray for those who need the Father to touch,
Pray for that moment where the Father means to someone else that much.

Pray for today, so your spirits are lifted high
Pray to God for forgiveness, at the point you break and begin to cry.

I say goodbye as hope is a prayer away
Live for this moment when God is within reach
Humbling your heart is something only a shepherd of the source is able to teach.

19th August 2024

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Deborah ๐Ÿฆ‹

I pray for my friend 
On this day which truly belongs to her,
Her kindness is exemplary which I can only concur.

I pray for her kindness to be used wisely 
And shall pray for her methods to be flourishing and fully attached, 
I pray for the dear father to protect her unconditionally, and therefore blessfully matched.

I pray for this day to be delightful 
I pray for this day to shine a gleaming light,
Deborah sees herself as precious and through the Father there is plenty insight. 

So happy birthday Deborah 
Have a wonderful day and for fighters 3 shall enjoy and shall be a part
I pray for the rest of this journey to continue with great blessings through the skills which I know are wisely used from the start. 

“Happy birthday Deborah. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ❤️”
18th August 2024

Pray for healing

I pray for my friends
I pray for hope to shine on each of our heads, 
I can’t wait to meet the Father, before and after, and when we look to go to bed.

I pray for enlightenment 
I pray for the person reading this acknowledges I need a prayer as well;
I pray for the light to shine on us all, and that this is a poem I wish to write, and tell.

I pray for humbleness 
I pray for pain to be removed from many persons’ soul,
And that people who don’t understand the Father, is eventually appreciate there his kingdom to go.

I pray for light 
And I do pray for the plants to receive the rain,
I pray for you to receive humble presence, which prayerfully you are able to sustain.

18th August 2024

Saturday, 17 August 2024


I look towards the sky
So peaceful and ever so still,
Seeing where tomorrow shall take me, is that so surreal?

Look to the heavens 
And yes, I do want to meet with God,
There are new beginning, which start with an approving nod.

We can’t give in
Then again we do have free will,
Don’t be scared of tomorrow, that may be the ultimate thrill.

Speaking of tomorrow, I know it shall arrive
Then again, there are prayers to keep us attained as well as keeping alive.

17th August 2024

God and I

God and I 
When we take it’s a great combination that we embrace, 
Saying thanks to him always during the trials and tribulations that are in place. 

We know he judges us
And that’s his job to do,
There is a path we all look to endure and also ensue. 

That conversation is powerful 
The best any person could have,
Praying for people that cause you challenges, 
His conversations with you shall not enhance any damages. 

Today is a beautiful day
Only because I focused on the Father first, 
It’s like fountain of youthful that ponder and humbly has its worth. 

17th August 2024

Friday, 16 August 2024

Helping each other

Isn’t it what it is all about, supporting each other?
Wanting to help, give advice from one soul another?

It’s about care
It’s about “I am here at this time”
It’s about “I want you to be okay, in answers to find”
We can all overcome negativity, despite the clock ticking through the quickness and pace of the chime.

It’s about mental health
And that we should never be ashamed, as this can happen to any one,
It’s about no size fits all…
United we stand and we shall come through this, no matter how on this ride we could fall. 

It’s about love
It’s about wanting to genuinely care
And the more important thing of all…  
is that ideas are exchanged from the kindness we are able to confront…. And then call.

“For the SUN Group”
16th August 2024

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Hypos and carb counting

The hidden disease….this diabetes lark
The hypo that hit me today, 
could have caused me to yell as a drop was on its way. 

The left eye goes blurry
Your world is caving in,
And there are those who lack empathy, they can pee off as I prefer them to rescind. 

And there’s that statement “I couldn’t live with that”
But you have to if you had it to manage,
The internal organs are owned by you as you are preventing further damage. 

3.0mmol and sinking fast..
And there’s life to consume, embrace which you are aiming to last. 

A gallon of sweets to pick yourself up
And there are those who panic in your presence, 
There capacity to support is evidently limited and blind,
Take ownership and discover that you need the sugar balance to find.

“Living with type 1 diabetes”
IG: jasont1d
15th August 2024

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Calming down in the heat

We do go at a speed these days,
No one wants to chill out,
And then out chaos into the mix
There is something else to look to in terms of fix. 

The heat says calm down and relax
“I can’t” I often hear 
“the situation simply too much and often sears”.

Please be calm in the heat,
How can you force situations in this manic stress?
Let the stressed ones’ work it out, or you’ll soon be vexed.

Stop everything
Nothing needs to be said,
Put your pride to one side 
Otherwise there’s pain in the raucous behaviour, which I prefer look to hide.

14th August 2024

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Moving forward

Moving forward, that’s the chance we could take
Some risks are worth doing, some end in a misfortunate break.

But the point is, is that we keep trying 
Trying to find a solution what brought us to that place, 
Some of it is fear, 
some of the clues you rather not share.

Time is precious
You can’t bring back the memories,
Yet what you can do 
Is stop, reflect and then pursue.

One day before your final breath it would all make sense,
The source in the sky or what is also known around 
The aim is to find that connection, that is ultimately profound.

13th August 2024

Monday, 12 August 2024

Summer Sun

The sun is shining so bright
The warm air is challenging and delivers tremendous light. 

Be at peace with all people on this earth
Stay close to God, and have that conversation when you need be
Treat your friends and family humbly through the air we are offered to breathe.

Say a prayer in the morning to start off the day,
there may be clouds in the sky, yet seasons turn a page
As this is your opportunity to turn towards own stage. 

The sun brightens the soul
The soul connects to God’s calling,
The way to grow in life is to speak to God first 
It’s like a well of water waiting to remove your thirst.

12th August 2024

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Brothers and sisters through the one๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ

Brothers and sisters who we meet all through the one,
Today is a blessing, so pray and stay strong 
The Father in heaven is where is all belong.

The beginning and the end
The Father is keeping an eye on you, so please say a pray for those all around,
The balance through his love comes with an almighty sound.

Stay humble and say a prayer to someone that you were once obnoxious and rude,
Prayers are healthy and avoid anything lude. 

Stay blessed 
Stay with God’s light, 
As long you stay humble… the devil is unable to react to the turned cheek, that deflects the fight.

11th August 2024

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Yes… you

You don’t know what you do someone like me?
I know we are there for one another, 
My mind is delicate through illness and pain
Yet you treat me with humility that at times I cannot attain.

Remember, at the end of this life which you live, how good you guys are?
Prayers are in your direction, no matter how near or far. 

Bless you 
Regardless if you believe in God or not;
I hope that you acknowledge the kindness and hope you have given me
I am humbling my heart from these words that you read.

It’s been an horrendous 2 years, one I would never pass your way,
I haven’t lived a sheltered life, as I feel blessed I’ve seen another day.

“To Matthew and Nikki xx… Jason”
10th August 2024

Cheeky git

He is a character….my wonderful old man
Regardless what you thought of him, he was a character who in a time of would need hold your hand. 

He’ll wake up in the morning 
Put on telly and wondered who to ring,
He was a charming sod my Father, he’ll be attentively listening from the conversations that anyone brings.

One of a kind, no one quite like him at all,
I personally couldn’t be as cheeky as he was, that humour in my heart stands tall. 

He would speak to anyone, my Dad from
Cyprus/ and from the old East End,
“Alright my Margy? What are you up to kid?”
There would be a confab for only 30 minutes and know how to stop a conversation by putting on the lid.

10th August 2024

Friday, 9 August 2024

Weekend blessings

The sun is shining 
The heavens are showing skies that are bright and stunningly blue, 
Pray to God for small mercies from where we all look to ensue. 

Thank you for the light
Thank you for your prayers,
They are always reciprocated from the line of heavens stairs.  

Blessings are the light to move forward
Start the day with a prayer towards you and others aim to reflect height,
The day is pleasant, slightly breezy and light.

The day is a blessing 
The hope is a whisker away, 
That conversation with God is there for you to humble your heart… on this summers day.

9th August 2024

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Olympic hope

The glory to achieve victory always comes with pain
You can’t expect to capture a medal without being able to sustain.

There is no failure in silver medal
Yet the Gold medal is the ultimate aim,
Praying for your countries representatives to achieve glory for history to retain.

God has got these athletes 
The effort is an account for all to keep trying, 
An ambitious effort to achieve the ultimate goal
As sweat and tears insures you never slack to go slow.

Inspired to reach victory
Inspired to reach that pinnacle place, 
The story and history of the Olympics is the future we aim to achieve…. And embrace.

8th August 2024

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Facing a fight alongside God

It’s like that old saying: “if you believe, you shall receive”,
I am not speaking of a lottery win! I am referring to a blessing, for which I mentioned
Staying with the Father is worthy of anyones attention.

You may face struggles
Do not dismiss, the Father is there through a prayer,
Humbling s your peace of mind 
and show the humbleness where he is there to find.

Light of the world 
And the world shall share its spiritual defence,
The attack through the devil cannot penetrate God’ child from any sort of length.

There is a war out there
As victory has already been won,
Keep with your prayers, they defend everyone… not just the one๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

6th August 2024

That connection with God

Believe it or not, the connection is there
It’s not to be afraid of, just be slightly aware.

The humbleness inside
The break when tears run down,
Looking to move forward and not appeasing when others are in doubt.

Connect with a simple pray
The day you’ll start your journey through the trials which caused dismay.

Say a few kind words 
Confess with your heart that Jesus is king
Acknowledge your spirituality and hope he shall bring.

7th August 2024

The first day

The amount of times you need to start again
Breaking down and refuse to drown,
The world thinking you are a clown with an internal frown.

“You are better than this”
That’s what you should say,
The tears will release 
And the anguish from where the devil looks to feast. 

These words are spiritual
So connect to the source, that you shall find
Do not be blinded, and others close to you, please learn to be kind.

Pray afar if connection is not aligned 
Well wishing for all, avoids the devil within you to call.

Goodbye for now 
This poem are the words that you crave,
Remember say your prayers, as you are no longer the Devil’s slave.

6th August 2024

Monday, 5 August 2024

Prayer for the fight

Thank you for your prayers 
They shed a glimmer of light,
Words absorbed wholeheartedly and waiting for the end that’s insight.

Tired, battered and a little bit bruised 
So easy to say: “get on with it” when exhausted and felt used,
That’s easier said than done
It was the son of man who made sure the battle has been won.

But the fight continues 
Please pray for those struggling with all parts of their mind,
God is perfect, he is a doctor for us too, 
to help you capture clarity to ensue. 

The road is as long or short as God says 
My heart belongs to him so positivity and encouragement are never put to bed.

There is a way out 
No stone goes unturned, 
Looking to go forward is where we look to discern.

5th August 2024

Sunday, 4 August 2024

When will it be my time?

Don’t get me wrong! 
I don’t want to leave until God says, 
I want to be with my Nan, auntie and Dad in the heavens which remain. 

I struggled to get out of bed
But managed to find a way, 
I am not being self loathing, as these are words I honestly say.
They were insightful; and uplifting in fact
My dad was a character, my nan extremely calm and my auntie was open minded and never caused anyone harm. 

I ask God: “how long do I have?”
To be honest I hope I am not on this earth long
But I won’t take my life this instance in this pretence to stay strong.

4th August 2024


Saturday, 3 August 2024

One thing at a time

Be patient with yourself 
One thing to be done at a time,
Rome wasn’t built in a day
Then again Brian Clough (football manager) said “he wasn’t on that job, regardless if that costs a nickel or a dime.” ๐Ÿคฃ

Be patient
Speed is not your cause to have all things done for a quick win,
If you take your time then you’ll find a balance
moving from in the essence and a daliance. 

Patience is your weapon 
Speed can be your foe,
The aim to focus or pertain in becoming too slow. 

This is a poem for you to slow down and regain a light to win, 
The speed of talking can often be out in the bin.

3rd August 2024

Friday, 2 August 2024

The journey continues

The path of the righteous is set before God
He loves you…regardless, 
Especially during times we look to that word called ‘hope’ 
Yearning towards a kingdom you can’t wait to sincerely elope.

The path can be long for many 
Some it could be quite short, 
Prayers are often answered when it’s God’s timing
Moments can be astonishing and defining.

Love today
And the day after that,
If you talk negativity, where do you suppose that discussion will lead?
Didn’t you think Jesus fighting for us didn’t cause him to bleed.

The fact is, the path is there, right in front 
God’s timing is perfect, to be perfectly blunt.
So tomorrow pray, even when the chips are down
I know these are bold words, but at the end of the day we shan’t look to frown.

3rd August 2024

Stay with a prayer

If you pray
Do you think those words are only for you?
At some point it is, 
then for others you cannot look to dismiss. 

God is there, believe it or not 
Your faith builds to give you and others hope, 
God’s direction is paramount and is never aimed to gloat.

The strength comes with God’s love 
The warmth of your hugs brings an array of focus to deliver
That element of strength that refutes us to dither.

Pray in the summer 
Pray in the spring
Pray for all seasons, God’s love is what we ultimately bring.

Tomorrow is another day  
Try not to rush it, or bring it too soon,
May the love of the Father be your humility and the strength for a platoon.

2nd August 2024

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Living with what I live with (a poem from a a type 1 with diabetes)

Bloody hell the lows are dragging and a considerate pain 
You feel your body struggling through a hypo and headache which often stains.

The head hurts 
And there are the organs which knock you side to side, 
And knowing one day you lose that comment to stay alive.

Yet you continue to find a system
And nor over analyse, which is easier said than done…
Trust me this topic called: ‘type 1 diabetes’ isn’t at all fun.

You need to accept it, and own it from the start
And when you start to inject or insert a needle for a pump,
Remember this for certain! You own thus but if you think this system is simple? Then perhaps you need a thump….

“Life with type 1 diabetes… x”
1st August 2024

15 years ago…

Things have changed
Politics has now become a sport to provoke people’s aspiration to deliver on a stage.

Have we always been like this?
Objecting to rules which now doesn’t help the masses,
There’s hope one day people yelp a ‘cheer’ when clashing glasses.

The hope for others to elevate and not put anyone down
Wasn’t it a blessing when we gladly our first breath in the morning, without a thought to suffocate or drown.

We use to say ‘hello’ to people in the morning 
Without the need to sneak in a draw a can of alcohol to last,
Let’s pray for one another, as we have many more moments to enjoy and grasp.

1st August 2024

A prayer for August

2024 is simply flying by
As we are learning to move forward and avoiding not to sigh.

Pray for those that you don’t get on with,
They too have their story to tell
Didn’t the son of God got nailed on a cross and  refused to fell.

The time flies by 
One day follows the next, 
And thank God for small mercies and bringing things into context.

Thank you for the words of wisdom that shines 
The hugs too bring a joy to the soul,
Even though this year is flying by, as prayers show a humility for whereby you do grow.

1st August 2024

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...