Sunday, 31 July 2016

Holding on

You come up with confidence
And the world thinks you have guile.
Yet with confidence comes a price
Sometimes you are not always seen as nice.

When the word love holds inside so true
Looking for answers to questions
Like a  humble cup of brew.

I am asking questions
Like I am sure we all are,
A pattern to where life takes us for sure...
Looking for answers, just like a cure.

I love my life but not sure if it loves me
I need to search deeper,
Not just for you and I 
Just like all the elements in the equation...  
As our aspiration is to just sign... 

Sunday, 24 July 2016

My World's needs x

A day is to be embraced
A day sometimes needs to be embroiled with hope
The lives we live can exude into an uncertain slope.

You want the people closest to you want to understand,
And if they don't, you need to accept that's their point of view.
Maybe it's their experience which you lack.. and unfortunately cannot ensue.

We view life and pray as we  look to the heavens and sky.
Looking towards a new beginning to evolve with family and, ties.
Moving forward with warmth and joy. No need for angst or politics just a taste of life's humbleness.... and not a ploy.

I am tired yet energised enough to move forward with light
Love with love and hope with hope.
Arguments are good for those who delve in that realm.
I am realist and optimist and have no time for that debate.
I believe it's all good... that's my kind of fate x

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Earthly love

The day I gazed at you in heaven, was also held beautifully on earth. The love you portrayed,
Is like an exciting new birth.

My heart is drilled with poetry
A place where my heart belongs,
As long as there are days of happiness 
I shall continue to write poetic songs.

May my heart run true to those I love
Yet you are the exception, like a wholesome dove.

May my tears run bright
With all its sight,
As long there is love, there is also sight X x

Nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever
That's not true?
I have a glancing thought... That's right.. Me and you.

A new page turns
Nothing has a place to burn
The world has its changing ways
Hence the reason not to be fiery, just keep at bay.

The world will see you and I prevail
Despite struggles to face. People like you do i, just make this world a better place.

Change is not what I am use to
But love for one and all is what I am.
As long as the spirit runs high
Then god amongst us all shall refrain a turbulent cry.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

A Balanced Path

My love to you and your family as this arrives from the sky.
It's all good my love as tears of care shall never shed a goodbye

My day ooz love
And my day ooz calm
Yet with the turbulent world we live in, we must avoid any harm.

The words flow with plight
A word not so good to the human ear,
Live life and prosper
We have nothing else to fear.

Love and warmth from the heavens above
A balanced motive with a Desired brace
Despite all that is said, this is a beautiful place. 

Sunday, 3 July 2016

The power of loving care x

Warm heart and loving souls shall bring the world together with a delightful bow. 

The path we follow 
And hearts which sing
Balanced humbleness elevates the beauty we bring 

The day belongs to the good
And if hurt soul contribute with haste
Then the meaning of life needs to derive in a spiritual place.

Family and friendship shall always bring good, the challenges of happiness will always be there. Just ignore vexatious folk... Who really don't care.

With love comes power as the evil spirit will eventually flee... All that matters is you and me.. (and the rest if they behave themselves) x x

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...