Sunday, 31 January 2016

I Surrender

Dear Lord I can only say thank you
Once I was broken and you have guided me to the faith,
I thank you dear lord for this new beginning I am ready to taste.

May the world delve into your love and may this world capture warmth and love
I thank you dear Lord for the gospel I am ready to hold
As a new beginning I am to cherish, and humbly become bold.

I look forward to the grace to go forth
And empowerment of love I want to entwine
I surrender almighty, as I can only say thank you for all the good you release,
You are the almighty.... That in the very least.... 

"Baptism testimony 31st January 2016" 

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Birthday chant

A new day, a new start

A birthday greeting that never parts.

You are a humble soul and a kind person within

A birthday wish to a great friend.

Big hugs my man from this heart felt message I will send.


This may be another day 

But from my point of view, this day is about you.

Learning perspective releases many wonderful clues.


The heart reaps rewards

and a birth date signifies a humble moment in time,

a new day dawns from the moment you came on this earth

capturing this occasion for all that it’s worth.


May your spirit fly free

And that your 21st (!) enters a new domain

Another day captures a good beginning

And the world enchants your beautiful day

May all the goodness thereafter arrive your way.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Judgement put in Place

Judgement and hasty words
No doubt we have all done wrong 
And must learn from those ill fates
Avoiding the unnecessary confrontation and devilish traits.

We must hold firm 
And attempt to be strong
The love for life is to learn from untimely moments as mistakes we look to prolong.

Love is love
Hate is hate
One shall conquer all
The other has its demons to cause trouble.. Along with a stumble. 

Hold strong 
And pray to delve into right
Learn lessons of truth which release good 
With an open sight.

Good shall always overcome evil
And bad shall try its luck
We must learn to stay strong and great 
Learning the pass errors is a learning mistake. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Happy Birthday Sir James

Wishing you a prosperous and rewarding day,
And that all the goodness enters your way.
May the day at work deliver a smile and spring to the step,
As this day is all about you
No more questions… just plenty of clues. 
May the clues shed a birthday brace
And that presents and good food arrive towards thee,
Birthday wishes once again,
as the balance of these occasions is to leave work and humbly be.

There is no doubt this is the nicest email you shall receive today,
No politics, just nice chat to fill up your valuable time
And the occasion is to be embraced… as well as sublime.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Title: A Day

Good day my dear
Another day to say hello. 
Respect you do not celebrate this humbleness of days
Yet your smile has a beautiful say.

Your grace, your smile and your timely words,
I just want to write these words from the bottom of my heart. 
Friendship forever I dearly hope never parts. 

So a hug from the heart
As my thoughts are with you at this moment in time,
And meanings to portray. Arrives with the essence, come what may.

Be nice to your needs
And move with the grace of God attaining with hope...
Love to one friend to another as all shall avoid challenging slope. 

So love only love
As today I write these words for thee
As the love of Christ shall always set us free.

Laters P
J x x

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Sticking Together...

Words so true and so humble in mind
We need to stick together from the depths we look to find.

The strength with people you trust and behold
Needs to draw strength from the quest to become ever so bold.

A hug, a welcome greet and a rejoicing of all who are truly good.
Learning to move forward and do what you see as right,
Shall allow the nature of love to move forward, arrive with our humble might.

A place of solace and an embrace to stabilise the mind.
I have already been broken so the attempt to be broken again
Is far difficult, especially love from beautiful friends.

A might of power
And might of love
A might from a warmly felt hug
Sipping tea from a hand warmth mug.
The fact we can all love and the face we can do bad.
Let's stick together and prevent any forthcoming sad x x  x

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...