Wednesday, 30 December 2015

New year... New Beginning.

May we all look to the skies and pray for a new, exciting and better dawn.
Soon a new year is now due to be born.

These words flow 
With grace and motion, 
learning to delve into a new year with all intensions and stable emotion.

Learning to evolve 
And learning from your rivals next step. A beautiful time is due to appear.. Now we need guidance to remain strong, which obviously needs to be fought to prevent any wrong.

12 months of challenges, hugs, love and words flying across the room.
We all need the  warmth to say all shall be well... From future poems (which have yet been written)... I shall foreseeably and graciously tell.

"Happy New Year x"
Jason - Copyright 

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Essence of warm Love & Hugs

Every now and again look into the sky
If you already tend to do that, you know what I am about to sigh.

We all think differently. That's clear to the fore... Some crave more information, some avoid so their minds do not get sore.

The world needs more love, which comes with hugs of warmth. And the person who opens their heart with this trait
Shall exude the glorious taint.

You see, we can hold back from the best timing to opening give this warmth. Yet with peace of mind and open grace. Takes this world into another place.

Love only love shall conquer all.
Political debate strains the fall.
Yet with love (only love) is the key we look to pull (towards!)... End


Essence of warm Love & Hugs

Every now and again look into the sky
If you already tend to do that, you know what I am about to sigh.

We all think differently. That's clear to the fore... Some crave more information, some avoid so their minds do not get sore.

The world needs more love, which comes with hugs of warmth. And the person who opens their heart with this trait
Shall exude the glorious taint.

You see, we can hold back from the best timing to opening give this warmth. Yet with peace of mind and open grace. Takes this world into another place.

Love only love shall conquer all.
Political debate strains the fall.
Yet with love (only love) is the key we look to pull (towards!)... End


Monday, 28 December 2015

Cost of a Smile

A smile a day
Starts to take the pain away.
A run, a jog or even a mild walk, shall elevate a smile a pride holds back the devilish stalk. 

We wonder how we enter into a difficult place. Hard one to answer that, just like asking "how did that get up there?". None of that truly matters as we ultimately look to care..

One day may be your last, and may it be treated like the best. 
All that matters is that you are humbly blessed.

So even if down
A smile elevates a spirited place. 
We are all working it out as godliness captures a delightful face... A smile x  

Sunday, 27 December 2015

A true friend

A mate, a champion, a gentle soul. A warm hearted human who continues to evolve.

You are a glorious mate
And a I am fortunate to have a friend like thee... Yes! I can be fiery but your brotherhood I feel inside me. 

Please remain as you, these words are from the purest of times.
I love you mate 
As my heart wants to hold you in my mind.

Please stay as you
As I shall do the same within me... If we ever lose focus, let's hold warmth from the attributes we reveal in our hearts... Loving champion.. Never part x 

A Poetic thank you x

Thank you for the poetry book, what a welcome delight. 
The essence of the words are to provoke the gentle sight.

The thought getting the book means so much,
Thank you my love, a delightful touch.

You are a warm soul who has a heart as big as the purest sky. 
Glorious to embrace as you never want to say goodbye.

May the day embrace this very special thought and the point of poetry is to learn for what it brought.

A smile today and forever it may bring
The essence of this motion is what  it contains 
And the humbleness from the beauty these words contain  

Love Jason x

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Thank you for being you x

Thank you for your company and thank for being you, this life, the journey has so many clues. If we keep it simple and we keep it attained then the worlds problems shall learn to be refrained.

Be nice to your dreams and become nice to your wants. Live for each passing moment, as life can complicate the woe. Now let's live and learn to flow.

I will always care, and shall always hold at your given choice, now we can embrace the journey with a joyous voice.

To be motivated is a stream of blood ready to loosen 
As the aspiration to move forward with time is to embellish this heartfelt rhyme. 


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Christmas Way x x

Enchanted with this glass of wine
Isn't reflecting so sublime?
Christmas to think about the humble place you belong. 

Beautiful people singing a festive song.
Focus and find the light which shines the way.
Festive moments we look to capture
Celebrating the birth of Jesus shall lead us to a gleeful rapture.

So a toast as I celebrate this day on many times ahead. 
Enjoy your family, friends and your own company on this festive day
Merry Christmas... Now on your merry way... X 


Special Christmas Touch

Merry Christmas 
And may the Yule tide log
Celebrating this merry Christmas wish
As from to you comes.... With a kiss

May the hugs continue and enrichment fill our souls. Merry Christmas my friend
As its you I wish to hold.

May the times past and present reflect the humble journey we look to take
Enjoying this time of year as the balance shall banish any fears.

Over indulgence is not wrong in anyway
We need the fuel to feed our body heart and minds
And seek to help those less fortunate 
Which can deliver us to a humble place.. Loving you, is seeking that festive grace.. Merry Christmas Hun J x 

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Christmas Embrace

Festive Greetings for another year,

There have been many challenges that we have endured and embraced

That’s lead us to another enticing place.


May Christmas be warm and soulful

And deliver a bright enchanting light,

Warm hugs, mistletoe and wine

That taste of those succulent treats can be so divine.


Christmas is a time to reflect and capture the moments we have taken on board

Calmness we aim to capture from times which may have been tough,

Yet with positive people and warm hugs, love shall conquer all,

The spirit of Christmas aims for us all to avoid any form of fall.


Reflect those less fortunate that us

And that a warm mince pie and glass of wine is a delighted treat for them.

With the spirit of Christmas hope and meaningful words which enters the body, heart and mind,

The beauty of Christmas is for one and all

And the essence of remembering this time of year is to raise a glass and say “well done.. my dear, now continue to climb…..”


Merry Christmas

Jason Andrews
(C) Copyright 23rd December 2015

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Christmas gift x

Thank you for this humble gift
It's lovely to be appreciated and receive a welcomed lift.
May the words that follow show a sign of eternal thanks
And leaning towards pastures new, must be a good thing.. That's from me to you.

This time of year embraces a gallient chant to celebrate Christmas and new year to one and all
The warmth at this time of year 
Will embellish the prayers we hold close to our hearts and many great occasions shall never part. 

Christmas gifts are a welcome touch
Acknowledging others means so much 
A 'thank you' goes such a long way
And the appreciation you have delivered to us, means so much more with a glorious sway.

So thank you one last time
These words arrives from a source so deep within,
As humility and joy holds true and strong
And that the spirit of a gift at Christmas shall enchant a beautiful song.

Thanks From Jason xx 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Learning a new Skill

Learning from the start 
Is all part of the joy
We learn from one another
And embrace the art and the ploy.

The art is to learn 
And learning evolves or journey
It's Great to meet new people from new beginnings 
And enticing a skill 
Which enables us to keep bringing. 

The art is glorious to learn
And nothing better to learn about ones self.
Capturing an understanding which inspires to cope with our mental health.

May the day bring joy
And may this final day bring grace
And that the teaches we take away, shall enter us into a more relaxing place. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Peace and Love

I may not want to speak
And I do not want to turn weak
Yet with an open heart and love
Our quest to find inner peace
Is the aim that we wish to find... At least.

Chaos and noise has its place,
Balance and serenity needs to hold firm
No place for judgement from the moments that we do wrong
The calmness of life 
Is sometimes to sing a happier song.

May all turn right
And may good people capture strength, withholding energy from others to take away
We all need to learn that calmness and be at bay. 

Time to reflect
And time to own your thoughts and ideas.
No need to be scared of new challenges to face
Learning balance to throw all eventualities into one. 
Peace of mind needs a place to remain kind. 

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...