Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Warm hugs


To embrace warmth is focusing what is good and right,
The aspects to aspire and strive leads to a natural flight.

To hold a friend and say that "You care"... In this world that is so often rare.

Yet the hope remains to hold strong,
Fighting all the negatives and, avoid all the wrongs.

To say I care is an understatement in itself, as hugging a dear friend is worth more than all the money in sight as the act to ensure love is ever so bright. 

Much love... ((((Hugs))))

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Positive light

To flow to grow
And bring to sing
Creative juices are there to boost the heart and mind. 
Kindness is something we all need to find.

To hold the hand 
And say it will be okay, flowing words shall pave the way. 

So release the calm
And avoid the negative folk, embellish beautiful words just like a cleansing soak. 

J x

A love to love

A moment in time 
We all have something to hold. Finding the balance and a story ready to be told.

A hug, a kiss, a love and a laugh.
Ain't these good things, or am I being daft.  

I love your spirit and the place you have arrived
As the most important thing is that you survived. 

With gods blessing I respect you will be nice to your needs
And all shall reveal 
Like flowers which blossom from seeds.

May love for all deliver a light. 
A beautiful mind exhales a warmth for one and all to embrace. A beautiful emotion we should all be ready to taste. 

Sunday, 2 August 2015

A beautiful new birth

A New born child
Graces this earth with a readily smile
The quest to start over 
Is a beautiful journey, which continues for a quite. 

Enjoy the time with your beautiful bubble of joy,
Love can only come with love 
And warmth and hugs can only take that child to a wonderful place
Wishing the parents strength and energy
From the new ventures
They are ready to make.

May this new time bring you all the happiness you deserve 
Congratulations to the parents from this new birth to occur
And love for the new edition 
Delivers a new light 
An eternal energy... Ever so bright xx

Love Jason 
3th August 2015

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...