Saturday 31 March 2018

Do not blink

Do you think I care? 
Do you think I am calm?
Do you think I want to stay? 
I would like a happy ending to make me feel special
Yet it’s intervention that decides
As I look to pontificate and often surmise.

I want to love 
And I want to care 
I want to embellish beauty 
For those who stare.

I have the ingredients to show humility 
God decides the time 
I need to be patient with I 
A happy ending can also end with a cry.

Be positive my dear 
Be nice to your wants,
Crave the unconditional want 
And god decides the will 
The feeling inside is so surreal.

I love you god 
And I know you plan for me what is best
I know there are challenges to foresake
Hence Christianity saves my humility and break.

Jason Andrews 
(C) copyright 
31st March 2018

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